High-conversion website development focused on lead generation
A personalized approach, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of what your business truly needs.
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Our expert team empowers projects of all sizes to succeed in the digital space, delivering end-to-end solutions for website development and marketing.
Landing page
or business card
We decided not to separate business card websites and landing pages because the amount of work is basically the same. The only difference is that a business card website includes additional pages using elements from the main page design, so there’s no point in pricing those pages separately.
Development time: from 10 days
from 450 €*
* For this price, you’ll get a fully functional website with a standard structure, a template design, and a limited number of pages.
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Working plan:
SEO included with website development — 1 month free.
Defining the structure and competitor analysis
Assistance with domain and hosting selection, purchase, and linking the website to the domain.
Website prototype
Website page design in three versions (desktop, mobile, tablet).
Visual design for the website (images, elements, and more).
Layout and integration onto the selected CMS.
Development and programming of modules and features.
Up to 2 language versions.
Project testing for errors and load speed optimization.
Basic SEO optimization of website pages.
This isn’t just a website; it’s a tool that will take a significant load of operational tasks off your plate when dealing with end customers. We’ll create a high-quality solution at an affordable price.
Development time: from 25 days
From 990 €*
* For this price, you’ll get a fully functional website with a standard structure, template design, a limited number of pages, and a catalog.
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Working plan:
SEO included with website development — 1 month free.
Defining the structure and conducting competitor analysis.
Assistance with selecting a domain and hosting, as well as linking the website to the domain.
Website prototype.
Design of website pages in three versions (desktop, mobile, tablet).
Design of visuals for the website (images, elements, etc.).
Layout and integration onto the
chosen CMS.
Development and programming of modules and features.
Integration of payment and delivery modules, along with all necessary functions for the online store.
Creation and filling of the product catalog, along with CRM synchronization.
Up to two language versions.
Testing the project for errors and optimizing load speed.
Basic SEO optimization of website pages.
If you have a technically or visually complex project, or a bold idea and are unsure who to trust with it, we’re your best choice. Our team consists of passionate, creative professionals, eager to take on the challenge and turn your vision into a reality. We thrive on bringing ambitious ideas to life.
Development time: from 30 days
From 4000 €*
*We do not consider budgets below the set amount for this service.
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Working plan:
SEO included with website development — 1 month free.
Idea discussion and refinement.
Implementation of the technical specifications and work plan.
Ongoing consultations and project reporting.
Market analysis across different regions.
Gamification of the website/resource/app.
Custom illustrations tailored to the specific style.
Development of automation and process optimization within the project.
Project implementation.
Discussion and preparation of a practical marketing strategy along with consulting.
Up to 10 language versions.
Testing the project for errors and optimizing load speed.
Basic SEO optimization of
website pages.
Domain and hosting
We will select hosting and a domain for your website based on the target region for future promotion, create personal accounts, make the purchase, and link the website to the domain.
We may not be experts in nuclear energy, but we certainly won’t leave you with just a "bare-bones" site. Our responsibilities include selecting relevant keywords and providing recommendations for your website's content, so whether with us or on your own, you can quickly fill your site with valuable information.
We do not charge extra for selecting design references and other related tasks. Our priority is to ensure that your project meets quality standards and is visually appealing to users. You may not know exactly what the design should look like, but it’s our job to guide and advise you.
To ensure you’re not left to figure things out on your own, we record video tutorials and provide step-by-step instructions for working with the admin panel upon your request. Not sure where to add a product? Here’s the guide.
Access credentials
It’s important for us to provide you with all the necessary logins and passwords, organize them in a convenient file, and send it to you. Additionally, we store these files in case you forget or accidentally delete them (it happens). You can always reach out to us to recover any lost access details.
Which our competitors charge extra for, but we believe should be part of the overall package. Our specialists make these tasks a top priority.
After filling out and submitting the form, our manager will contact you, and you will receive a link to Calendly in your email, where you can schedule a consultation.
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Pich Lab guarantees
Tech support
Within a year, any issue arising from incorrect operations on our part will be resolved within 1 day (depending on the complexity).
Your website will be connected to analytics systems as well as search engine dashboards, so you don’t need to worry about its visibility in search engines.
Filters and bans
Our websites are not subject to filters or bans from search engines, so you won’t have to wonder why leads suddenly stop coming in.
We use licensed software, and the cost of the software is included in our services, so we guarantee that all licenses will remain active for the duration of their validity.
Your content will be created by our copywriters, designers, and other professionals in our company. We don’t charge for transferring the work to a neural network.
Our portfolio
Program part
Code adaptation
Program part
Code adaptation
Program part
Code adaptation
Program part
Code adaptation
A personalized approach, innovative solutions, and an understanding of what your business truly needs
Our team of experts helps projects of all sizes achieve their goals in the digital space by offering comprehensive solutions for website development and promotion.

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